SeaSmart devices and pouches
Ever wondered why marine toilets smell? Especially when you haven’t used your boat in a while? The source of the odour is the tiny organisms in sea and river water which get trapped in the pipework and without sunlight they die and start to decompose creating that all to familiar odour! The good news is that our new biological formula, in SeaSmart pouches, contains friendly bacteria that can consume the short chain ‘smelly’ molecules, removing rather than masking the smell and leaving behind only carbon dioxide and water. This makes SeaSmart Advanced pouches completely environmentally friendly and suitable for all marine environments, however sensitive.

In 2023 we started working in collaboration with SeaSmart to create a more environmentally friendly fluid for the pouches. Regulation changes in the EU (particularly Germany) meant that the old formula, which contained quaternary biocides, could no longer be used in marine environments. At Wessex we have over forty years of experience of finding biological formulas that are as effective as non-biological ones but are kind to the environment.

Not only that but the new Advanced SeaSmart formula also contains citric acid, (safe for the environment) which will help to keep pipework free of salt, deposits and scale.
Seasmart Advanced Pouches can be used in old and new SeaSmart devices and are now available to buy from us and chandleries and shops in the UK and across Europe.
If you would like to purchase pouches for you SeaSmart device please click on the link below
Important Note before using new SeaSmart Advanced pouches
If you have an existing SeaSmart device and have been using pouches which contain the blue biocide, you will need to flush your marine toilet 4 – 5 times to remove traces of the old product from the system before replacing the pouch with the new SeaSmart Advanced. Since SeaSmart Advanced is a biological formula it will be affected by the biocides left in the system from the old pouch. A few flushes should clear the system and allow SeaSmart Advanced to work at its best!

SeaSmart devices
We hope to be in production with new devices soon and aim to have them ready to sell by March 2024. We are fortunate to be joined by a former employee of SeaSmart Marine who will be overseeing the handover. As soon as we are in production we will update our website or alternatively you may be able to purchase new devices from chandleries and shops across the UK and in Europe.

If you would like to know more or have any questions please contact us on:
Telephone: 01202 823699